Things That Warrant A Call To A Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

The decision to place a loved one in a nursing home is never easy. Whether it was something everyone agreed upon or a decision you had to make on your own, you've spent time researching the options available. Once you were satisfied you had found a place that would offer the proper care needed and be a pleasant experience for the resident, the last thing you want to discover is that some type of abuse is going on. It may not be something obvious, and you may overlook it for a while if you do not know what you are looking for. Here are some things to always pay attention to when you visit or talk with your loved one.

Physical Issues

It is important that you look over the patient every time you visit. Watch how they move. Watch their facial expressions too. Ask about any bruises or sores. If the patient is being abused, they may not want to talk about it and will change the subject. They may even become withdrawn or angry if you keep questioning them. Neglect will be harder to discern. If there are bed sores, find out why. Proper care and preventive measures can be taken to reduce their occurrence and have them healed quickly. If your loved one is losing weight, or seems to be dehydrated, it could be due to neglect.

Mental or Emotional Issues

Sometimes the abuse or neglect is mental or emotional. If your family member is withdrawn, acts scared, or is depressed, there could be a problem of this type. Pay attention to how they interact with you and other visitors. They should not give short answers, look down when talking, or fidget uncomfortably. Try to be around when different care givers are in the room too. If their demeanor changes with the staff, there is probably a problem.

Financial Issues

You may not even think to check on it, but there may be some issues with your loved one being taken advantage of financially. If they have access to their bank account, credit cards, or you keep them provided with cash, you need to keep track of it. It is also a good idea to ask to see their personal belongings regularly too. There are some people who will seem very nice and helpful to the patient and give them a sob story about how they need money. The patient then offers them some cash or something of value they can sell.

If you even have the slightest feeling that something is not right, you need to do some investigating. Talk with the staff and all the supervisors. You can also arrange to talk with the family of other residents you meet in the hall or parking lot. If you are still not comfortable with a situation, contact a nursing home abuse attorney and let them get to the bottom of things. If there is obvious abuse, get your loved one out of there as soon as possible and still have a lawyer from firms like the Garrison Law Firm check things out. No one deserves to be mistreated or neglected.
