Why Trucking Companies May Be Liable For Accidents That Their Drivers’ Cause

If you have been injured in a truck accident, you should look beyond the driver when pursuing damages. In most cases, you will find that the trucking company also has a share of the blame for the accident. Here are some of the reasons trucking companies may be found liable for accidents their drivers' cause:

Letting Intoxicated Drivers Drive

Driving under the influence (DUI) is one of the most common causes of road accidents. This is why trucking companies are expected to create and enforce DUI laws; ideally no tolerance laws. Therefore, if a trucking company allows an intoxicated driver to get behind the wheel, or if it doesn't do its best to stop drunk drivers from driving, then it can be held liable for accidents caused by such drivers. This is even more likely if you can prove that the intoxication was the direct cause of the crash.

Hiring and Retaining Dangerous Drivers

All employers with drivers, and not just trucking companies, are expected to do due diligence when hiring drivers. The driving history of the drivers ought to be combed to ensure that they don't have dangerous tendencies while on the road. For example, it would be irresponsible for a trucking company to hire a driver who has been convicted of road rage several times in the past. Even those who have already been hired should be regularly vetted to ensure they are still the right fit for the job. If a trucking company doesn't do this, and their failure to hire and retain the right people leads to an accident, then they will be on the hook for accidents caused by such bad hires.

Overworking Their Drivers

Another thing that can allow you to hold a trucking company liable for your damages is if you can prove that the company is overworking their drives. There are laws governing how long driers are supposed to be on the road; these laws are necessary because fatigued drivers are highly susceptible to road accidents. For example, no truck driver should drive for more than 11 hours each day. It is the responsibility of every employer to see to it that their drivers adhere to these guidelines, and failing to do so can make them responsible for accidents caused by fatigued drivers.

Using Poorly Maintained Trucks

Lastly, you can also hold the trucking company liable for your losses if you were hit by a poorly maintained truck. This is possible because it is the duty of truck companies to service and maintain their vehicles and ensure that they are always roadworthy. Sure, the drivers should not keep quiet if they notice something wrong with the trucks, but ultimately it is their employer who should undertake the repairs.

Contact a law office like Knochel Law Offices PC for more information and assistance. 
