A Closer Look At The Less Common Types Of Personal Injury Claims

While much of the marketing material you will come across regarding the services of a personal injury lawyer will center around auto accidents, the fact is that these civil lawyers actually handle a wide variety of tort cases. This article takes a closer look at the other types of claims that these lawyers handle so that you will know where to turn for help if you should ever find yourself dealing with one of these legal problems. 

Workers Compensation Claims

Workers who suffer injuries either as the result of an on-the-job accident or repetitive motions performed as part of their job duties may be entitled to workers' compensation benefits. Since these benefits are paid through a workers' compensation insurance policy rather than directly through the injured party's employer, this type of claim falls under tort laws. As with any other type of insurance claim, individuals will often find that the insurance company does not voluntarily offer to pay the true value of their claim. That is where the services of a personal injury lawyer come into play. These lawyers often help injured workers to ensure they get all of the benefits to which they are legally entitled. 

Wrongful Death & Malpractice Claims

When an individual's injuries are the result of a medical professional failing to provide the proper standard of care, this individual may be eligible to collect damages as part of a malpractice claim. If the injured party ultimately dies as a result of their injuries, the deceased's family can seek damages in the way of a wrongful death claim. In either of these cases, the plaintiff in the case will be met with the burden of proving the service provider failed to meet the expected standard of care and therefore acted in a negligent manner. This burden of proof can be quite difficult to meet. This is why it is always a good idea to seek the representation of a qualified personal injury attorney when filing this type of claim. 

Property Liability Claims

Property owners are responsible for making reasonable efforts to keep their property free from potential hazards. For instance, retailers are responsible for removing snow and ice from their walkways and parking lots in order to help minimize the risk of a patron slipping and falling. If they fail to take these preventative actions and you are injured as a result, a personal injury lawyer will be able to help you file a property liability claim to recover damages for your injuries. 

Product Liability Claims

Product liability claims are quite similar to property liability claims. The primary difference is that instead of taking reasonable actions to ensure their property is safe, these cases require manufacturers and retailers to take reasonable steps to ensure the products they are selling to the public are safe for use or consumption. To learn more, contact a personal injury attorney.
