Know Who To Sue After A Car Accident

Many accident victims are ready to take action against the other driver in a car accident only to wonder about who is really responsible. Vehicle accidents are usually caused by the carelessness or negligence of another driver. However, that is not the entire story. Read on to learn more about who to sue after a car accident.  

Know the Potential Defensive Parties in an Accident

After a car accident, there are several parties who may be sued depending on the circumstances of the accident. Here are some potential parties who may be sued:

The driver

If the driver of a car is responsible for causing an accident, they can be sued for any damages or injuries that result. This includes cases where the driver was negligent, reckless, or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The owner of the car

If the owner of a car knew or should have known that the driver was not licensed, was reckless, or was driving under the influence, they may be liable for any damages or injuries that result from the accident. 

The manufacturer of the car

If the accident was caused by a defect in the car, such as faulty brakes or steering, the manufacturer of the car can be sued for any damages or injuries that result. This means that your vehicle could be faulty or the other driver's vehicle could be faulty.

The government or municipality

If the accident was caused by poor road conditions, such as potholes or inadequate signage, the government or municipality responsible for maintaining the road can be sued for any damages or injuries that result.

The employer of the driver

If the driver of the car was on the job at the time of the accident, their employer may be liable for any damages or injuries that result.

Other drivers or third parties

If another driver or third party was responsible for causing the accident, they can be sued for any damages or injuries that resulted from the accident. For example, a chain reaction accident could mean that the driver that hit you from behind was pushed by another driver. 

The specific parties who can be sued after a car accident will depend on the circumstances of the accident. It is important to speak with a qualified attorney who can assess the details of the accident and determine who may be liable for any damages or injuries.

Contact a local law firm, such as Cartee & Lloyd Attorneys At Law, to learn more.    
