Dealing With A Traffic Citation? How To Fight It In Court

If you've gotten a traffic ticket, and you don't think it's justified, don't just pay the fine and move on. If you believe you were in the right, you need to fight it. You need to go to court. However, before you go to court, you need to make sure you're properly prepared. Taking the right steps will help ensure a positive outcome for you. Here are three important steps you should take before you go to court: Read More 

How An Absent Parent Can Get Child Custody

Most single parents who have gone years without ever seeing the partners that helped them create their children are surprised when these absent parents suddenly show up and serve papers on the parents who have been present all along. It becomes a case of shock and awe, and the child custody battles that ensue are legendary. The parents who have stayed and raised the children are stunned that any court would give any sort of custody rights to a parent that refused to be present in his/her child's life for so long. Read More 

Building In The Everglades? Why You Need An Environmental Law Attorney

Building anything in the Florida Everglades is a tentative project, regardless of the structure. There are a number of laws you have to follow to the letter before you may be granted a construction permit. Not only that, but as you build and even after the structure is complete, you will still need to have the entire thing inspected and approved. To make sure there are no delays, you need to hire an environmental law attorney. Read More