3 Things You Can Do To Protect Yourself If You Are In A Car Accident

There are many people who get in car accidents and don't have a personal injury lawsuit filed. There are others though, you end up having to file a lawsuit to get the money that they deserve. It is important that you protect yourself on both ends. You don't want to have to file a lawsuit if you don't have to, and you don't want a suit filed against you. This is why it is important to learn how to protect yourself in any case. Read More 

2 Things You Can Do To Lessen The Stress Of Divorce

There are many people who go through a divorce and wonder what they can do to simplify the process. It is no secret that it can be incredibly draining emotionally, physically, and financially to go through a divorce. Luckily, there are some things that you can to make it easier on yourself. Here are some tips. 1. Don't Fight Over Meaningless Things One of the biggest struggles couples have when to comes to divorce is not fighting over things that don't matter. Read More 

Should You Retain A Lawyer For Your DUI Court Date?

Being stopped and detained for driving while under the influence of liquor, a charge usually called DUI, is both embarrassing and frightening. DUI charges can often result in harsh penalties so you may be concerned about what will happen in court but be unconvinced an attorney is necessary. You may think there's nothing at all to be done. However, you may want to have a lawyer by your side to argue the following for you. Read More 

Dealing With A Traffic Citation? How To Fight It In Court

If you've gotten a traffic ticket, and you don't think it's justified, don't just pay the fine and move on. If you believe you were in the right, you need to fight it. You need to go to court. However, before you go to court, you need to make sure you're properly prepared. Taking the right steps will help ensure a positive outcome for you. Here are three important steps you should take before you go to court: Read More 

How An Absent Parent Can Get Child Custody

Most single parents who have gone years without ever seeing the partners that helped them create their children are surprised when these absent parents suddenly show up and serve papers on the parents who have been present all along. It becomes a case of shock and awe, and the child custody battles that ensue are legendary. The parents who have stayed and raised the children are stunned that any court would give any sort of custody rights to a parent that refused to be present in his/her child's life for so long. Read More