Is It Ever A Good Idea To Refuse A Breathalyzer Test In Ohio?

To blow or not to blow? This is definitely a big question for anybody in Ohio who is asked to take a breathalyzer test after being subjected to a routine traffic stop. Breathalyzer tests are notoriously inaccurate in the first place -- which means that you could end up with a reading that says your blood alcohol content is over the legal limit even if it really isn't. However, the penalties for refusing to take the breathalyzer test are pretty severe. Read More 

Disappointed In Your Auto Accident Settlement Offer? Take Action

Not long after a car accident, you hear from the insurance adjuster. If the accident was not your fault, you might have expected to be paid a certain amount – after all, the wreck was not your fault. Unfortunately, many accident victims are disappointed when the settlement offer arrives and they feel understandably upset at the low offer. Read on to find out more about how accident settlements are calculated and how to take action when your settlement offer falls far short of what you expected. Read More 

How To Deal With Common Divorce Issues

When sitting down with a client, there is a range of common issues that a divorce lawyer hopes the client will have dealt with the right way. In order to reduce some of the pain of going through the process, try to address these three situations in a more structured manner. The House You Share One of the most difficult problems that can emerge during a divorce is figuring out how to handle the challenge of two people who don't want to live together cohabitating in the same house. Read More 

Financial Freedom, Bit By Bit

When you've committed yourself to do what's needed to declare a chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may be pleased at how quickly it happens. The bankruptcy process can be over within as little as a few months depending on your case. Once finished, you can take steps to assure that your financial fresh start changes the way you think about things like credit, budgeting, credit scores, and more. It might help filers to get a preview of what to look forward to, so read on to find your path to financial freedom, bit by bit. Read More 

Can Worker’s Compensation Benefits Conflict With Your Disability Benefits?

When a serious on-the-job injury keeps you out of work for an extended period of time, you can count on your worker's compensation benefits to cover your medical bills and other expenses. In many cases, you may also qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. You may be wondering if you can safely collect both types of benefits or if you're limited to choosing between worker's comp and SSDI. Read on to learn how you can receive all of the benefits you're entitled to by law. Read More